Everyone loves a romantic story, where the bridegroom gives up all for his beloved, marries her, and takes her to his beautiful castle to live forevermore.... a story for a true Princess.. I hope you enjoy this one!
I barely ever watch daytime television, but a program caught my eye one day called “A Wedding Story”. It was a story of a Jewish couple and the preparation for their marriage, a sharing of their engagement, and the wedding ceremony itself. As I was watching the program, the Lord began to show me in a vision form a prophetic picture of the endtimes Wedding Feast. How exciting and awesome it is to know that we will be part of this event as the church, the BRIDE of Christ! The following blessings are available to all believers now, today... however, it was good to be reminded there will be a time in the future when this will all be done in the presence of our KING! The symbolism is rich in the spiritual depiction of God’s love for His BRIDE. So here is the vision He showed me…….
The bride comes down the aisle with her father beside her, walking her to the ALTAR (isn’t that what Father God does in our lives.. leads us to the altar.. He leads us to the altar so we can lay down all our burdens and come into a place of freedom, love, protection, covering, and safety?). Father lifts her veil, kisses her, and presents her to the bridegroom.. signifying Father God lifting the veil and confirming to us that the veil is forever rent, that He has brought the Bride to a place without spot or wrinkle, holy and acceptable to present to the Bridegroom.. Jesus is the groom and the church (Israel) is His bride. In Jewish ceremonies, the bridegroom lifts the veil before the ceremony. After the signing of the marriage contract, the groom goes up to his bride and gazes into her face. Having confirmed that she is the woman he chosen to marry, he lowers her veil over her face (Remember how Leah pretended to be Rachael?). How awesome it will be when our bridegroom gazes into our eyes and says: “Yes, you are the one I have chosen, there is NO doubt”.
They then come under the Huppah of clouds to share their vows. The huppah is a four postered holy covering. Sometimes the prayer shawl (talit) is used for the covering signifying Gods’ word forever standing over us…the canopy of God’s love and covering forever over his beloved) and sometimes the posts are covered with fragrant blossoms and/or fruit.. representing the fruit of the Spirit. According to many authorities the huppah was at the groom's house which is interesting to note in view of the scripture where our Lord says He goes to prepare a place for us! There is a stipulation that a marriage does not take legal effect until the bride has entered the "huppah." Metaphorically, the couple is standing in its own “Holy of Holies” together as one.
After the vows are taken, an eternal marriage contract, to which the heavens and earth are called to serve as witnesses, rings are exchanged. Rings are a suitable way of expressing Gods never-ending circle of love towards us and His eternal covenant with His people. The rings of gold (refinement) without any breaks or engravings show true value and purity. “Behold you are betrothed unto me with this ring, according to the law of Moses and Israel."
The bridegroom then lifts the prayer shawl (talit) which is upon his shoulders onto the brides shoulders stating all that He is, has, and ever will be also belongs to her, and that she belongs to Him, that He will shelter her and protect her.. that she is His forever.
At this point, the couple drink wine (kiddush) together from a cup called the cup of “JOY”. If you remember at the Last Supper before Jesus was crucified, He stated that He would not drink with us again until kingdom of God shall come.
(Luke 22:18 For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.)
If you also remember, God told us that He would wipe away every tear.
(Rev. 7:17 For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
As we drink the wedding cup of JOY with our Bridegroom, JESUS.. all tears, sorrow and mourning will flee and He shall feed us from the Wedding Feast banquet table that has been prepared for the wedding day!!
At a Jewish wedding it is traditional for the bridegroom to break a glass with his foot at the end of the ceremony in memory of the temple being destroyed, a reminder of how fragile life is and implies that the marriage should always remain intact.
(God said to Satan in Genesis 3:15 … And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, (JESUS, our bridegroom will crush the head of satan, and you will strike his heel."
The shattering ushers in the outbreak of merriment that should immediately follow the pronouncement. The response is "Mazel Tov!" ("Congratulations!") The glass being broken at the marriage feast by the bridegroom will complete the word that Jesus’ temple was brought to resurrection and life and satan’s temple and kingdom is forever shattered and crushed! Hallelujah!!
Reverend Donna E. Trexler/Geertz –
Heart To Heart Ministries 2000 ã
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